Why Bureaucracy in the Thames Valley is robbing organisations of the top talent

Posting date: 02 Sep 2019

Bad processes, bureaucratic interview phases and a lack of recruitment education are depriving organisations of the top tier of talent and it’s frustrating A Grade finance candidates in the process.

Historically, organisations looking to make an Interim hire have had to work quickly with the interview process, meet and greets and introduction taking place in a matter of weeks, often days but now, the often bureaucratic world of Permanent recruitment is gaining pace and speed is becoming just as important a factor, to its long-term employees.

But, while speed and efficiency are important to candidates, organisations are making the candidate experience painful by adding unnecessary interviews and taking several weeks to form a decision – keeping prospective talent in the dark and leading them to find other alternatives.

As much as I try and educate these organisations about the importance of a speedy process in the competitive marketplace that is the Thames Valley, they don’t seem to get it and there is only so much we can do as a Recruitment Partner.

I met with a Finance Director at a FTSE250 company last week and explained that they too needed to think about speeding up their recruitment processes to avoid the risk of losing top talent and while saying the right things and promising to keep on top of their current hiring processes, they go back to old behaviour – holding on to the mentality that their brand will be enough to keep talent waiting.

Brexit, IR35 and the ongoing tsunami that is the British Economy is causing businesses to truly think about every decision, the importance of every hire, the ROI of every spend and all the deadlines associated. This paired with a lack of recruitment education is snatching the best talent from the organisations who need it the most.

Businesses need slicker processes and must understand what their recruitment process looks like from the beginning, right through to the end if they are to maintain a more efficient relationship with their talent pool and ultimately if they don’t, they are going to really struggle with talent attraction as the Thames Valley is a small world – and news travels fast amongst its talent pool.

I’d like to hear from you – have you had a bad candidate experience with an organisation taking too long? Or, do you work for an organisation that needs slicker processes?