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My Stanton House Story: Minesh Patel

Posted on 9 September 2024
From Consultant to Cybersecurity Product & Engineering Leader 

At Stanton House, we like to profile the journeys of our incredible team members and share their stories of growth, ambition, and success. Today, we’re excited to introduce Minesh Patel, who has carved out a unique path from Associate Consultant in the UK to now leading our Cybersecurity Product & Engineering practice in the United States. His story is one of courage, transformation, and seizing opportunities when they arise.

A Career Shift from Architecture to Recruitment

Minesh's professional journey began far from recruitment. He graduated from University College London (UCL) with a degree in Architecture and spent two years working at a leading architectural practice in the UK. Despite the prestigious education and the promise of a traditional career path, something felt unfulfilled. He had always harbored an interest in Sales, but with the opportunity to study at the number one university for architecture, he couldn't turn it down. However, the itch to shift into something more dynamic persisted.

When he finally decided to change careers, it was his brother who introduced him to recruitment. Minesh admits he was skeptical at first, especially due to the reputation the recruitment industry often carries. He didn’t want to become a ‘transactional sales shark,’ so he remained cautious while exploring other sales opportunities. Yet, recruitment kept calling, and after several interviews, he started to see the potential in the industry—not just as a job, but as a career where he could make a positive impact.

The Stanton House Difference

After interviewing with several recruitment companies, Minesh was fortunate to have multiple offers on the table. However, he was waiting for one in particular: Stanton House. The firm’s approach to recruitment, which focused on building strong relationships and customer satisfaction, resonated with him. The extensive training program Stanton House offered was an added bonus, providing him with the tools he needed to excel. When the offer came through, it was an easy decision, and he was thrilled to join the team.

At that time, Stanton House had already established a strong reputation in Senior Finance and Transformation recruitment - however, Minesh saw an opportunity to complement this expertise. After extensive research, he proposed a shift towards specializing in Data, Analytics, & Business Intelligence. The leadership team trusted his vision, and this pivotal moment set the stage for his future success.

Growing a Desk & Expanding Horizons

Over the next two years, Minesh built a thriving desk and established partnerships with some of the most innovative tech businesses in the UK. His hard work and strategic focus allowed Stanton House to make a name for itself in the Data and Analytics recruitment space. During this time, Minesh contemplated an international move with Stanton House, but the idea of leaving his close-knit circle of family and friends in the UK felt too daunting. That all changed with the pandemic, as remote working became the norm, and distance from loved ones no longer seemed like such a barrier. The possibility of working internationally became more real, and soon, Stanton House’s Head of Americas expressed interest in bringing Minesh over to the U.S.

A Leap Across the Pond: The Move to Chicago

After months of consideration, Minesh made a bold decision: he would move to Chicago to build Stanton House’s Product & Engineering practice from scratch. With years of experience under his belt in the UK, particularly in these areas, he felt well-prepared for the challenge. However, the U.S. market presented its own unique set of difficulties.

The first two years in Chicago were anything but smooth sailing. The U.S. market took a downturn, and clients began scaling back their operations. Minesh recalls how humbling this experience was, forcing him to adapt quickly. Despite the tough conditions, Stanton House’s commitment to building lasting relationships helped the team navigate these challenging times. Minesh believes that the values instilled by the Company - focused on genuine care for customers -made all the difference.

What’s Next for Minesh?

Now, Minesh is proud to be one of the top billers in the U.S. and leads Stanton House’s Cybersecurity Product & Engineering practice. His journey, from architect to recruitment leader, is one of perseverance, adaptation, and the willingness to take calculated risks. Looking ahead, his goal is clear: to become the ‘go-to’ recruitment name for cybersecurity vendors.

As Minesh’s story illustrates, Stanton House provides its people with the support and opportunities to grow into industry leaders. From building powerful relationships to honing specialized expertise, Minesh’s path is a testament to what can be achieved when you’re empowered to follow your passion and pursue your goals.